If you need help please phone 03458 508 508 or email funding@sportengland.org
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am - 5.00pm

Register Your Organisation

Organisation name *
Organisation address*

Contact information for key contact

Title *
First name *
Last name *
Position in Organisation *
Email address *
Confirm email address *
Organisation Telephone number *

Login information

User name (6 - 12 characters) *

Return to Login


Before you register

Before you register we encourage you to review the funding advice and guidance available on our website about the different funding programmes you can apply to.

Are you eligible for a Sport England grant?

If you are unsure if your organisation is eligible for a Sport England grant please contact the funding helpline on 03458 508 508 or email funding@sportengland.org. We will talk you through the areas for eligibility.

Sport England cannot fund individuals or profit-making bodies or partnerships. We can support most non-profit making organisations such as clubs or associations. We can also support statutory organisations such as schools and local authorities.

Enter your name and organisation address

Enter your name as Title, First Name and Surname. To enter an address, please select the Find Address button to activate the pop-up address finder tool.  Please then follow the on-screen instructions to find your Organisation's address.

User name and password

You will need to provide a user name of more than six characters. Your user name and password will be automatically sent to the email address you give and you will need these details to access the application form. You can change the password to something more memorable by selecting the 'Change password' link at the foot of the page when you login.

If you do not receive an email with your username and password within 60 minutes please check your Junk Email or Spam Filters  or contact your internet service provider to make sure the email has not been withheld.

The sender will be 'funding@sportengland.org' if you need to add this address to any 'safe sender' list.

Get in touch

Please check the details you have entered are correct before registering. If you have any questions about registering your organisation please contact the Sport England Funding Line on 03458 508 508 or at funding@sportengland.org


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